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​GFWC Billings Junior Woman's Club

Mission Statement
General Federation of Women's Clubs is an international women's organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.



January 21, 2025

6:30 pm 

Meeting - First Presbyterian Church

2420 13th St W


​​Tuesday, January 21, 6:30 pm - Arts


Tuesday, February 19, 6:30 pm - Health & Wellness


Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 pm - TBA


Tuesday, April 15, 6:30 pm - Environment


Saturday, April 26, 10:00 am - Big Timber


Tuesday, May 20, 6:30 pm - Spring Dinner






Join us in walking for trees! Sign up, track your trees planted and let the Environment 

Committee know!

What an amazing December!

Christmas Party at the Windmill

Members gathered at the Windmill for a Christmas Party. It was unique and fun as the members had assigned seats according to their interests. Lots of fun was had by all.

Gifts for Angela's Piazza

Members of the Domestic Violence Committee brought gift bags to Angela's Piazza. They displayed the jewelry so the ladies could choose  their style.

Holiday University Event

Members gathered together at Casey's Dream to make food items in a jar. (macaroni and cheese/cookies) They also worked on beautiful spider ornament. Lots of fun!

Youth Service Center

Members decorated the YSC tree on Saturday, Dec. 7 at 10:30. We will had hot chocolate and treats. Members enjoyed visiting with the youth. 

Youth Service Center shopping will be on Friday, December 20 at 6:30pm at the Height’s Target. This is especially a good event to involve husbands to mingle with the young men.  BJWC will provide each youth with a $35 shopping card.

Tea In The Trees

Fifteen members form BJWC attended, worked and directed the Tea in the Trees, December 6th. Jody Schofield planned the event. Bev Silkwood and Marsha Hotchkiss modeled. Malinda Christiansen and Mary Huffmaster assisted Jody. Wonderful entertainment, treats and of course tea.

Festival of Trees

Each your our club decorates a three for the Family Tree Center, The team of designers include Mary Huffmaster, Jody Schofield,  and Malinda Christiansen. This years tree brought $1200 for the center. Beautiful Job!

Projects and Events
Look at some of our latest projects and help spread the word about Billings Junior Woman's Club!



Our club collects pounds of plastic film.  One of the new benches made of recycled materials is now located at the zoo.

Accepted items include:

Plastic films labeled with #2 or #4 recycling symbol

Pallet wrap and stretch film
Grocery bags
Bread bags
Case overwrap
Dry cleaning bags
Newspaper sleeves
Ice bags
Wood pellet bags
Ziplock and other re-closable Food storage bags
Produce bags
Bubble wrap and air pillow
Salt bags
Cereal bags
Plastic padded envelopes 


        Books for Babies

Members met at the club garage to fill book bags for the two hospitals.
The book bags with a touchy feely book are delivered to each of the hospitals as needed during the year. 
Between 2,500 and 3,000 books are distributed each year.

Eastern District Meeting_edited.jpg


Five BJWC members and three Big Timber members attended the Board of Director's Meeting in Anaconda, September 20- 21, 2024.

GFWC of MT District Meeting was held Friday afternoon. The two clubs donated to food insecurities in their communities from money voted on at the last district meeting. Each club received $500.
Big Timber donated their $500 to a summer reading program called Picnic in the Park. Fifty meals a day were delivered.

GFWC/BJWC donated $250 to Tumbleweed and $250 to MSU-B pantry.

Eastern District Convention
April 26th
Big Timber
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Hope you can all attend a fun-filled day!


Contact Us

P.O. Box 20234, Billings, MT 59104

Thanks for submitting!

Christmas in July
Members made cards for Christmas!

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